Samvaad: Exclusive Interview with Dr. Firoz Hossain, Awardee, Chaudhary Charan Singh Award 2024

Samvaad: Exclusive Interview with Dr. Firoz Hossain, Awardee, Chaudhary Charan Singh Award 2024

The inaugural edition of Chaudhary Charan Singh Awards, celebrating the enduring legacy of Bharat Ratna Chaudhary Charan Singh, the fifth Prime Minister of India to recognise individuals who have made significant contributions to rural development, agriculture, and social welfare—sectors that were close to Chaudhary Charan Singh’s heart, were given out Dr. Rajendra Singh, Maize scientist Dr. Firoz Hossain, prominent farmer Shri Pritam Singh, and journalist Neerja Chaudhary on Dec 22nd.

Dr. Firoz Hossain has pursued his research in enhancing nutritional-quality and specialty traits in maize. He has developed three quality protein maize (QPM) hybrids and one provitamin-A rich maize hybrid. Dr. Firoz has also successfully developed multi nutrient maize by combining QPM and provitamin-A traits, which led to release of seven novel hybrids. ‘Pusa Vivek QPM 9 Improved’ earns the distinction of being world’s first provitamin-A rich QPM hybrid. Pusa Biofortified Maize Hybrid-5 is the first maize hybrid rich in QPM, provitamin-A and vitamin-E. His research effort has made IARI as the leading institute on molecular breeding of maize in India. Besides, he has recently developed promising maize genotypes rich in amylopectin and amylose, and low in phytic acid. These newly developed novel – germ plasm and nutritionally-rich maize hybrids assume great significance in providing nutritional security in the country. Besides, seven specialty maize hybrids have been released by the team led by Dr. Firoz. His research efforts have also led to the identification of country’s first waxy maize hybrid and biofortified sweet corn.

Anchor & Producer: Preeti Singh
Editor: Mohit Jain

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