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  • SansadTV Bureau
  • 6:14 pm ,02 Nov 2021

Vice President calls for making justice accessible and affordable

The Vice President, Shri M Venkaiah today called for making justice accessible and affordable to all and cutting down delays in courts.

Inaugurating ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations on the theme of “SPIRIT OF FREEDOM STRUGGLE: WAY FORWARD”, organized by Damodoram Sanjivayya Law University, the Vice President Shri Naidu said “We need to find ways to address huge pendency and inordinate delays in courts as timeliness is crucial to rendering justice”.

He said the focus of the Union Government and States should be on filling up judicial vacancies and creating requisite infrastructure. The cost of the legal process should not become an impediment to the common man’s access to the justice system.

The Vice President stressed that faculties of law universities have to play a key role in training students to become change agents and bring about a transformation in the administration of the justice system in the country.

He urged the legal fraternity to fight for the cause of suppressed and oppressed people and provide them with legal aid. It should be ensured that people get their entitlements without any dilution or diversion. The legal fraternity should get into action if the entitlements are not delivered, he averred.

Shri Naidu called for optimal use of Information Technology to ensure speedier justice to people and also called for fully leveraging alternative dispute redress mechanisms.

Observing that the Preamble of the Constitution reflects the overarching vision of our freedom fighters, he said “we have solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic and to secure to all its citizens: Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”.

Referring to the strides made by the country in different fields since Independence, the Vice President said that we cannot rest on our past laurels. He said the time has come for a massive national movement on the lines of the freedom struggle to eliminate poverty, gender discrimination, illiteracy, casteism and corruption, among others.

Cautioning against attempts by forces inimical to India to create divisions in the name of religion, region, language or other issues, he urged the youth to be at the forefront of this national campaign to transform the lives of the people and contribute their might towards building a strong, prosperous, healthier and happy India.

Referring to the sacrifices made by a countless number of freedom fighters to liberate the country from the yoke of foreign rule, the Vice President said the school textbooks must highlight the sacrifices and role of all freedom fighters and social reformers and make the youngsters aware of the country’s rich history in detail.

On the occasion of the birth centenary celebrations of Shri Damodaram Sanjivayya by the University, the Vice President paid glowing tributes to him. He said that Shri Damodaram Sanjivayya is remembered for his honesty, integrity and commitment to serving the nation selflessly. It truly is an honour that this university is named after such a great son of India, he added.

The Vice-Chancellor of the university, Prof. (Dr.) S. Surya Prakash, Registrar, Prof. (Dr.) K. Madhusudhana Rao, faculty and students were among those present on the occasion.

Following is the full text of the speech – (please see attachment)
